We believe the world is full of great stories waiting to be told – and some of them are yours. That’s what we get up for in the morning. That’s why we’re looking for that tingle under the scalp, when an idea looks like a winner and works like a charm. That’s what makes us shine. And the best part: You’ll shine, too.
We believe the world is full of great stories waiting to be told – and some of them are yours. That’s what we get up for in the morning. That’s why we’re looking for that tingle under the scalp, when an idea looks like a winner and works like a charm. That’s what makes us shine. And the best part: You’ll shine, too.
Our briefing process helps us understand where you come from and where you want to go. Choosing the right briefing approach is the bedrock for an effective and sustainable concept, a campaign, a script.
In the field of advertising, learning and documentaries we usually follow a storytelling or knowledge approach. For 3D modeling and visualization a technical approach usually is a more suitable way to ensure efficient results.
Our briefing process helps us understand where you come from and where you want to go. Choosing the right briefing approach is the bedrock for an effective and sustainable concept, a campaign, a script.
In the field of advertising, learning and documentaries we usually follow a storytelling or knowledge approach. For 3D modeling and visualization a technical approach usually is a more suitable way to ensure efficient results.

NEON relies on a thorough production and release strategy for multimedia campaigns. We design an individual workflow to coordinate all the different formats according to their organizational and chronological requirements.
We shoot and edit the footage in the required formats, optimize it for the corresponding social media channels (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc.) and supervise the roll-out – all the way to the go-live. As an essential part of our social media strategy we also cooperate closely with influencers and evangelists in your particular market segment.

Our films are shot with state-of-the-art, high performance camera and sound equipement in 4k to 8k resolution. for impressive aerial views we deploy professional drones. 360° footage is usually shot in 8k, 360° freeze frames in up to 16k.